Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Golden Rules

1. Drink at least 2-3 litres of water every day.

2. Eat every 3 hours while you are awake, starting within 1 hour of waking.

3. Eat protein with every meal.

4. Eliminate processed food from your diet.

5. Get 6-8 hours of sleep every day.

6. Engage in cardiovascular exercise (60-70% max heart rate) at least
3 times per week.

7. Train with resistance at least twice per week.

8. Ensure that you take in enough of all essential vitamins and minerals.

(Lots of vegetables and fruit and a good multivitamin)

9. Ensure that you consume enough essential fatty acids (EFA's).

10. Do not smoke (at all) or over indulge on alcohol, caffeine, sugar or any drug legal or otherwise.


sian said...

how long should you exercise during your thrice weekly CV exercise?

What are good sources of protein?

Anonymous said...

Hello Sian!!!

CV exercsie duration would obviously vary according to an individual's personal goals. I have consistently improved the cardiovascular fitness of my clients with as little as 10 minutes of cardio per workout, but at a high intensity, which increases consistently alongside the ability of the client.

If a person's goal is fat loss, then the cardio session should be at least 15 minutes as it takes this long for the body to start utilising fat as a source of fuel for the exercise. For fat burning I recommend 15-30 minutes of cardio per session depending on what other training is being undertaken.

Good sources of protein from food are:
Lean cuts of meat
Nuts and seeds

Anonymous said...

Hey Sian, that's a great question!!!

There's neither a right or wrong answer, but your needs may vary at any given time, depending on a whole variety of factors.

Judy has given you a brief plan that will work just fine in seeking to improve your fitness, and reduce fat (alongside a sound diet!).

You must bear in mind however that you will eventually adapt to any stimulus as you improve your level of fitness, and you will then need to take it up a notch or two, in order to see continued progress.

Always consider planning your workouts in advance, as this allows you to make steady, controlled improvements, without placing unnecessary demands on your recovery.

Finally, as far as protein sources go, you should always use whole foods first, but again, as you progress, you may want to consider using a good protein supplement such as whey (preferably an isolate) to further fuel your workouts, and help with recovery.
These are now widely available at most health food stores.

Anonymous said...

How can I keep my heart in shape but still avoid aerobic activity. I was told to avoid aerobic activities because I'm an ectomorphy and trying (without much affect, thus far) to gain muscle weight.